For me, the stakes are high.

With three kids under six, my family needs a strong school district and an effective school board.

And the Village owes as much to each and every student in the district.

Our schools are at risk.

The November 14, 2022 Leadership Profile Report addresses challenges facing the school district. This report was commissioned by the sitting School Board as part of an effort to hire a superintendent. Here is what it says:

  • “Unfortunately, the agenda of many current board members is believed to be personal and political and not in the best interest of the children and the community the board is called to serve.”

  • “Maintaining and supporting a high quality staff is believed to be on the decline, and demands immediate attention.”

  • “The erosion of trust and respect was described by almost every group.”

  • “Many mentioned the need for increased listening to staff, parents and students.”

(Emphasis added). 

Whether or not the Report reflects your views, these concerns impact our students and our community.

This means that our students lose access to prime talent:

  • Educators may be less inclined to apply within the district or less inclined to stay. 

  • Qualified board candidates may choose not to run.

This means that our property values suffer and we lose neighbors:

  • New Families may be less inclined to choose Menomonee Falls.

  • Falls Families may be more inclined to leave.

I can help.

Menomonee Falls deserves a non-partisan school board. If elected, I promise to set aside my personal politics. Instead of following party lines, I promise to:

  • Treat everyone with respect (starting with my fellow candidates).

  • Seek feedback and really listen to students, educators, parents, and the community.

  • Educate myself and the Board using empirical research and data, whenever possible.

  • Find opportunities for collaboration and creative solutions.

  • Put the students first, always.

I already use these skills as a lawyer: I am an expert at researching unfamiliar issues and making research-based decisions. I know how to maintain civility and decorum in the face of hostility. And my clients come from all ends of the political spectrum. I put their needs first, regardless of my personal views.

Please help me put these skills to good use for our schools.